the online home for the hurtt family. if you are looking for the work product of jeremy hurtt, please visit
jeremy hurtt is a software engineer employed by rocket software. he is obsessed with technology, math, sports, poetry, history and - most of all - his wife.
stacie hurtt is an accountant employed by nissan corporate. she really gets going for fashion, reality tv, puppers, and all of the animals of the world...and her husband is ok, i suppose.
sammi hurtt is a stay-at-home pup who does whatever he wants. his passions include sleeping, eating, following his mom around, and putting his butt in his dad's face in the middle of the night.
sawyer hurtt was a professional snuggler employed by every person he met. he really enjoyed loving you, and telling you he loved you, and farting, and digging.
lilli hurtt was a sassy lassy employed by just who do you think you are? she was a fanatic of cuddling with her dad, ducks!, finding food on the floor, and last potty.